Business Planning

A perfectly designed business plan works as a blueprint of your business, outlining your strategy and showing how this can be achieved. It is also a crucial tool when seeking external finance or investment.

Regardless of where you are in your business lifecycle, be it starting up, looking to expand or maybe considering an exit plan, formulating a business plan is vital. We at Eminent Professionals have expertise in working with a wide variety of owner managed businesses, from their embryonic start-up phase, as well as working alongside larger corporate businesses.

Creating a business plan, that supports your business objectives, can be highly beneficial, since it can help set realistic targets.

What we Serve?

  • Preparation of Projected/Forecasted financial statements in Monthly/Quarterly/Yearly basis.
  • Preparation of Expense/Sales budgets
  • Cash Flow Projections
  • Variance Analysis comparing Actual vs forecast figures and then seeking explanation from management if required.
  • Preparation of monthly reports on achieved vs forecasted performance and tracking the progress.
  • Order book preparation considering the Indexation effect.
  • Identification of Loss generating areas and highlighting them to management.
  • Preparation of Reports as per Management requirements.

Who can opt?

  • Financial Planning helps a business to grow progressively by setting achievable and realistic goals and identifying the future risks and opportunities. We here assist to a Company/Firm/LLP:

    • Which are looking to expand their business by identifying the potential risk and opportunities in the coming era.


    • Those who want to minimize the threat of uncertainties by predicting there effect at a very early stage.


How we work?

Step 1. Understanding the business of Client.

Step 2: Identification of needs of client and interaction/Introduction with the various service line managers.

Step 3: Preparation of the standard formats and templates as per the client’s specification.

Step 4:In-depth Analysis and correlation of Client business with the Industry performance, key driving factors, Government regulations etc.

Step 5: Monthly / Quarterly Discussion with the Service line managers so as to understand there future sales and margin projections

Step 6: Preparation of Projections on the basis of Inputs from management and Industry research.

Step 7: Identification of Variances while comparing Actual Performance with the Forecasted performance.

Step 8: Delivering report in the agreed format to the management including comments on the variances.

complex job with us!

Our experts here provide the ongoing consultancy on subject matters and assist you for optimal utilization of funds:

Check how much cash on hand you have

The bookkeeping has all the records of the funds you have, which helps the management to decide. The administration will understand the cash on hand the business currently has.

Regular preparation and sending of invoices

Proper preparation of the invoices and sending it at the appropriate time is one of the crucial tasks in the businesses. So, we should carefully prepare and post the invoices in the proper destination

Updating payroll file

We update the payroll file of the employees keeping in mind the various statutory and regulatory requirements. We keep track of the various employee benefit schemes and process appropriate expense journals on the basis of our employee-wise workings

Stay aware of incoming and outgoing payments

Whenever a business spends or gain an amount, it should immediately update in the bookkeeping. This helps to analyse the areas where the payment is coming in and the areas where the amount is going out.

Recording customer billings and payments

Businesses should make appropriate customer billings and the payments on each of the purchases.

Filing vendor bills and payment records

The generation of the bill for all the different vendors is appropriately made. Also, all the records of the payments are done in the bookkeeping correctly.

Improve Business processes with our complete range of Services

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